‘Skynet’ protest in Wellington

Frogblog already has an extensive post by Green MP Gareth Hughes on the background to these protests, so I won’t go over that again.

There was a much bigger turnout for the Auckland protest, which eventually occupied an entire intersection in Queen St and shut down traffic briefly until the cop cars converged, but Welli turned on a fine day and a bunch of people came with their hand-made placards.

There were representatives of the Pirate Party of NZ, handing out material that they don’t appear to have worked out how to print double-sided yet; and a few from the Open Source Society, and just a bunch of general geeks in blackout clothing.

It was a pleasant enough get-together for a sunny Saturday in Welli, might be useful to do it again when Parli is actually sitting in the House, tho’.

Here’s some cute placards:
Blackout protest Aug 27 2011
Blackout protest Aug 27 2011
Blackout protest Aug 27 2011

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